Thursday, June 19, 2008


Hi, my name is Tony "Dub" Stevens and I'm a gambler. I play all types of casino games and been to major casinos in the US and abroad. I will be using this as a forum to discuss the game of craps. I encourage you to read, comment and especially enjoy this new venture I am undertaking.

Today, I will be reviewing and article from the by John G. Brokopp, Gaming columnist for the newspaper, asserts first, that craps can be learned in one article, and second that it is a losing venture.

I take great umbrage with these assertions. First and foremost, any game has rules, tricks, nuances, and requires skill, at least in a casino. It takes a long time to develop these skills and to know when and how to bet. By studying websites, books, and writings from high profile players, some of this can be learned in time. Practice is the other key to this equation. The easiest and most convenient way to practice nowadays is the internet. There are hundreds of reputable online casinos that accept US customers, as well as from around the world. To trivialize learning the game is a will cost any player in the long run.

And as far as craps being a losing venture for players, I must disagree. It is a game of skill, and the casinos are in the business of making money, but if it were not a way to win big, then it would not be as popular as it is. I mean, heck, how many people get into street games all the time? A lot.

His article does give some interesting basics and statistics and I encourage you to read that, but it you want to learn the game, study it. I have placed some useful links on this blog to check out and will add more as time goes on.

Well, that's all for now. Thanks for stopping by!

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